macro tap(nodes: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Processes a series of "assignment" expressions, applying them in reverse to the given body. else/elif and except/finally can also be given, where else/elif triggers if any "matching" assignments fail, and except/finally have the usual behavior.
An assignment expression can be one of:
- a normal assignment, of the form a := b or a = b; prepended to the body verbatim
- a matching assignment, of the form a :=? b or a =? b; prepends an assignment a := b and stops execution or jumps to else block if the assignment fails
- result assignment, of the form result a or result a := b; returns a as the value of the expression
- an iterator assignment, of the form a in b; wraps the body in for a in b: ... , allowing complex assignments for a
- a filter, of the form filter cond; wraps the body in if cond: ... statement
- a list of other assignment expressions, as in tap: a; b; c; ... do: ...; applies assignments in reverse order
- any other statement; also prepended to the block verbatim
import assigns let val = tap(a := 5): a + 1 var s: seq[int] tap a := 5, i in 1 .. a, filter i mod 2 != 0: s.add(i) doAssert s == @[1, 3, 5] doAssert val == 6 let x = tap(a := 5, result s := newSeq[int](a), i in 0 ..< a): s[i] = i + 1 doAssert x == @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] var s2: seq[int] tap: a = 5 i in 1 .. a filter i mod 2 != 0 do: s2.add(i) doAssert s2 == @[1, 3, 5]
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