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This module allows for the indexing of tuples using slices.


func `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; s: static HSlice[BackwardsIndex, BackwardsIndex]): auto {.
Slice indexing of tuples from a backwards index to a backwards index. Source   Edit  
func `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; s: static HSlice[BackwardsIndex, int]): auto {.inline.}
Slice indexing of tuples from a backwards index to an integer index. Source   Edit  
func `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; s: static HSlice[int, BackwardsIndex]): auto {.inline.}
Slice indexing of tuples from an integer index to a backwards index. Source   Edit  
func `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; s: static Slice[int]): auto {.inline.}
Slice indexing of tuples from an integer index to an integer index. Source   Edit  


template `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; i: static BackwardsIndex): auto
A redefinition of tuple indexing with the index argument made to be static. Source   Edit  
template `[]`[T: tuple](t: T; i: static int): auto
A redefinition of tuple indexing with the index argument made to be static. Source   Edit