Provides default overloads and utilities for macros of definitions.
# regular definition a := b # definition block def: a = b def: a = b c = d # scoped definition block def: a = b do: use a # mutable variable definition @a := b a := var b def: @a = b # assignment to existing variable ^a := b # aliasing a as b := c a := b := c # checks (for matching) == 1 := 2 # raises exception 1 := 2 # same, literals inferred to be equality checks (== ok, res) := (ok, 1) (in [1, 2, 3]) := 2 (is float) := 2.0 != 1 := 2 (notin [1, 2, 3]) := 4 (isnot int) := 2.0 # collection unpacking (works for anything if it can be indexed with integers): (a, b, c) := d (a) := d # single parens does not unpack, equivalent to a := b (a,) := d # equivalent to a := b[0] # default syntax supports brackets instead of parens: [a, b, c] := d [a] := d # equivalent to a := d[0] # collection spreading (works if you can do d[i], d[i..^j] and d[^i]): (a, *b, c) := d (a, ..b, c) := d (a, ...b, c) := d # nesting (applies to everything) (a, b) as @c := d # => let temp = d; let a = temp[0]; let b = temp[1]; var c = temp # empty tuple unpacking, discards right hand side: () := a # named unpacking, works on anything (prop1 and prop2 must be identifiers): (prop1: a, prop2: b) := c # unpacking by given index: (0..4: hello, 6..^1: world) := "hello world" import json ("name": name, "age": age) := %*{"name": "John", "age": 30} # indexing by identifier if brackets used instead of parens (for enum indexed arrays): [index1: a, index2: b] := c # conversion to type: a of int := 4.0 type Obj = ref object of RootObj type Obj2 = ref object of Obj let x: Obj = Obj2() y of Obj2 := x # type annotation (must be directly tied to identifiers): a is uint8 := 4 # option unpacking, only custom type implementation that comes with the library: Some(a) := b some(a) := b
Custom definitions
A large and important feature in this package is that you can overload definitions for custom types by importing assigns/impl. The assign macro in this module is overloadable, and the openAssign template creates a NimNode that calls a forced open symbol of assign with the AST of the left hand side, AST of the right hand side, and the flag of whether or not it is a let, var, or mutating assignment. You can use the implementAssign and implementAssignExported templates as a shorthand for declaring these overloads.